Rambler's Top100
Подписка на: новости христианской музыки

World Without End просмотров: 16647+1

Исполнитель: Five Iron Frenzy Альбом: All The Hype That Money Can Buy Дорожка: 15
Язык: Английский

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For all the deepest thought compiled,philosophy 
to laws of physics, 
no one's ever heard or seen, 
a more beautiful thing, 
than this love that saved us. 

In the soundless awe and wonder, 
words fall short to hope again. 
How beautiful, 
how vast your love is, 
new forever, 
world without an end. 

The very spark that burns the stars, 
drew near to me today, 
the God of everything that is, 
whispered in my ear that His love is boundless.

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