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Jacob просмотров: 16644+1

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Once between earth and Heaven 
Lay a great divide 
And no one could stop the judgment 
And no one knew the power of forgiveness

But the perfect sacrifice of God 
Redeems me, sets me free from sin

Yeshua is Jacob's ladder
He is the stairway of our salvation
Yeshua is Jacob's ladder
He is the stairway of our salvation
Yeshua is Jacob's ladder
He is the stairway of our salvation
Yeshua is the ladder
Yeshua is the only way

This stairway
Is for everyone
The steps are His Holy Blood
Made through the Father's love
Look in His eyes
Run to His arms
Give Him your life
And receive His forgiveness

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Лестница Иакова (Jacob's Ladder)

Альбом Way of my dream

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